World of Change

Living in a world of change seems chaotic for most with a doomsday belief for some. Some go to the extent of being a suicide bomber to kill others and themselves as a solution to the problems they are facing. To me, the energy level in the person could have been put to better use for if he could live for another 5 years to help change lives for the better, he would certainly have contributed far more than taking his own life.

On the other extreme, most would have energy levels applied only to preserve themselves. They carry on with the status quo, believing that they must take care of themselves first. They will stick to what was good for them in the past thinking it will continue to be good for them today and the future. In a world of continuous change, such beliefs are only fatalistic not only for themselves but also others. The truth is if we do not change to improve ourselves, the tide of change will wipe us out like a Tsunami.

Now let it be clear that I am not against anyone wanting to take care of themselves first for it is the instinctive nature for Man to do that in order to survive. In fact failure of anyone to do so only creates more problems for the community as the burden of responsibility to take care of himself is shifted to others instead. The problem is more of one of the difficulty in determining the optimal level of self sufficiency which is the balance that is difficult to be determined by most people. Most would allude it to the greed factor but let me suggest another factor from my research that I am convinced is the root of not only this problem but other problems in a community.

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